We provide a wide range of services. Our core offerings include full-service research, evaluation, and qualifications and standards design.
We specialise in bespoke evaluation framework design and delivery, such as Theory of Change and Logic Model Frameworks. We use qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to deliver process, impact, theory-based, formative, summative and longitudinal evaluations.
Labour market and skills intelligence
We specialise in skills, education and labour market research. For example, skills audits to assess current and future skills needs, gaps and shortages, desk-based research into educational strategies or bespoke research to produce robust Labour Market Intelligence (LMI).
We work with qualifications regulators and UK skills bodies to design, develop and review qualifications, standards and frameworks. Our expertise extends to developing assessment strategies, support packs, guidance and test items.
Many of our projects involve some form of desk-based research, which can range from small-scale exploratory exercises and Rapid Evidence Assessments (REAs), through to more complex literature and data reviews. We subscribe to sector journals and Science Direct enabling access to a wide range of academic and other sources.
We design and deliver online and telephone surveys across multiple industry sectors. Online surveys are hosted on our secure licenced platform and can be customised to reflect client branding and incorporate aspects such as password protection, quota tracking and automated reminders.
Virtually all our projects collect and analyse qualitative research data or quantitative research data. We use analysis tools and software to undertake statistical testing and weighting as required. We also offer a standalone data analysis service – for example of responses to a public consultation.
Competency framework development
We work collaboratively with organisations to produce bespoke competency frameworks according to the range of uses and users, which can vary greatly depending on sector, organisation size, industry and job roles. Outputs are typically highly visual, and easy to understand and interpret.
We can deploy a range of research methodologies including desk research, depth interviews or focus groups and surveys to support strategy development from scratch, or to appraise and update existing strategies or strategic objectives.
Action planning
Action planning can be a standalone offering or part of a broader research project. We typically work closely with our clients to produce a highly visual and user-friendly output, tailored to the needs of the organisation or sector.
Please contact us if you’d like to know more about how we could help you
We work across a wide range of industry sectors and have particular expertise in the sectors listed below.
We specialise in offsite construction research / Modern Methods of Construction research. Our experience includes research to develop skills roadmaps and skills/training action plans, market assessment and competitor analysis.
We are experts in construction sector research. Our experience ranges from employer and stakeholder surveys – both telephone and online, assessment of skills and training needs, evaluation of training programmes and market analysis.
Educational research is a particular strength. Our experience includes qualifications, competency frameworks and apprenticeships, surveys of educational professionals, evaluations of educational programmes, and desk-based research to inform policy.
Our experience includes desk-based research into policy drivers for the low/zero carbon agenda, assessment of renewable energy sources in housing construction, and literature and data review of carbon emissions of traditional and modern building materials.
Research has included assessment of heritage construction skills gaps and capacity to provide work-based training, and a Rapid Evidence Assessment of literature and technical sources such as Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) relating to pre-1919 buildings.
Our experience in the healthcare sector spans detailed, in-depth evidence assessments, including international comparator research across the EU, Americas, Australasia and the Far East. This includes pre-registration education and post-registration regulation.
Harlow Consulting Services Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 12246374 VAT No. 339691558
Registered address:
Suite 18, 1 Cardale Park, Harrogate HG3 1RY
Harlow Consulting Services Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 12246374 VAT No. 339691558
Registered address:
Suite 18, 1 Cardale Park, Harrogate HG3 1RY
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